Diet for gastritis during the aggravation (with a high of and low acidity) + Menu

The pain in abdomen, gastritis

Gastritis is a condition that can occur in the following groups: [spirits of the craft] to the age. The illness of many of the following risk factors, in particular:

  • in the metabolic disorders;
  • the errors in the diet;
  • frequent stress.
  • taking certain medicines.

Women are often faced with manifestations of gastritis in pregnancy, when the stomach is compressed by the growing uterus in the process of digestion as not. Diet for acute gastritis is one of the most important parts of the treatment, especially when a woman is expecting a child, and in a lot of drugs, drink on it, is strictly prohibited.

The importance of diet for acute gastritis in the phase of the

Sometimes, the disease is acute, in the "build up" to the person, once in, never back. However, most of the gastritis becomes chronic. Then, an episode of acute happen from time to time, however, when, due to one reason or another, the inflammatory process is aktiviziruyutsya. You will need to do a second course of treatment.

The critical importance of a diet for gastritis during the aggravation. Some of the drugs are not going to help you: the mucous membranes in the conditions of active inflammation in the non-compliance with the dietary recommendations of the re-damaged. The treatment without the diet ineffective. Now, it is necessary to reduce all the factors that will cause irritation to the mucous membranes.

The symptoms of acute include the following:

  • the pain in the region of the stomach;
  • a lot of weight in the epigastrium;
  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • a regular drawback.

Of course, not all of them will certainly emerge, in addition to the different types of gastritis a variety of symptoms. It is sometimes the only symptom is any pain in the ulcer, when there is usually a "hunger pain," which was, if it didn't take long, the person, the food, the gastritis may be any one of the.

A chronic gastritis acute needs in the stage of thorough treatment. The patient will be recommended a special diet, whose role – maintaining the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, creating benign conditions for a period of time, as long as it is returned in the disease in remission. Gastritis the Menu is so diversified and such a person is completely healthy, but it will enable you to get the proper nutrition. As the release of a deterioration of the symptoms of gastritis included in the diet of the more complex products.

How to eat with acute gastritis

Any person who, at least sometimes, the face of the manifestations of the disease, you will need to know how to eat with acute gastritis. The basic principle of the diet – the mechanical, the thermal, the chemical savings.

Moving in order to save carries out the grinding, until a creamy mixture (dishes, so ground, boiled crushed, or in a blender). The heat due to the use of the food to a warm (warm-cool) legislation. Optimum, where the temperature of the food is close to normal body temperature (36-37 °C). Chemical savings – by getting rid of the food, which can promote the secretion of gastric juice by the parietal cells of the (salted, smoked, spicy, fried), or you can yourself on the sharp mucous membranes (for example, a pepper, horseradish, mustard).

In the period of exacerbation of chronic gastritis napad, with all of the nutrition it would need to be a part of it. Base – 1 no no no no No, that was specifically developed for cases of adoption. The Diet Well. 1, the "sub-items", that it is necessary to take into account the different levels of severity of the exacerbation. If the gastritis, in conjunction with other diseases of the digestive organs, e.g., colitis, chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis or reflux-in to the stage of the soul, gastritis recrudescence is, the patient is transferred to the table of # 5.

On the basis of the in the stomach the food, the soups, especially the mucous, jelly, puree the chopped food. The thermal treatment is boiling, steam the. When the deterioration of the cook may be, the no bake crust.

Diet for gastritis during the exacerbation of

Diet for acute gastritis in the phase, it must contain a body needs for fast recovery of the vitamins in the Bayer. It is important that the patient receives enough protein. It is necessary for the damaged stomach lining to heal more quickly, and in other organs do not suffer from a lack of protein.

The menu would have to be made to the diet, which has been present in the vitamins a, B, C, D and E. you need to Eat a fractional, to explain the of the gastrointestinal tract.

What is the diet for acute gastritis

Acute gastritis is provided in table 1. Be aware, However, you need to the dishes, gastritis with low, high in acidity is normal, there is some variation. It is important to take into account such factors, the angle, or the presence of absence of comorbidities. Thus, the power supply is in a period of deterioration of the adapted systems in table No. 2, 3, 5A, 5B. As soon as the exacerbation of the mine, the tables of the change:

1 to 3 a day Table 1 no no no no No
The 4 -7 day Table No. 1 B
Day 8 continue to be Table No. 1

The food in the dishes during exacerbations

The menu for gastritis during the exacerbation should meet the main requirements.

  • the dishes should be of a million;
  • make sure the food is crushed;
  • the meals during the breaks is not for smes to be more than 3.5-4 hours.

The diet in acute diseases it is stewed in boiled vegetables, porridge, soups, liquids. The moral to begin with, most would be mild of the dishes, and then go to your normal diet, however, it is desirable to completely eliminate (even after processing) the sharp spices, plenty of salt, smoked foods, alcohol. Anything to irritate the stomach wall, at any time the gastritis could be wrong.

What can I eat on the acute phase of the

The general principles of cooking, it needs to be steamed stewed, or whether it is a purée of the mucous membranes. Of such a food does not cause damage to the stomach wall, it can be digested, the nutrients it absorbs quickly.

The strength of the during exacerbation of gastritis may be like this:

The product To be a useful
Mucous soups These means of the stomach wall;

well absorbed;

to provide the body with the necessary nutrients

Steamed vegetables With the proper heat treatment of the provision of the necessary amounts of vitamins, fiber
Lean meats Of fat protein.

At first, it is a dumpling with ground Turkey breast, rabbit, and Turkey.

Then move the cooked meat in portioned pieces

Honey Meet the need for carbohydrates

The dishes All have a warm, cooked, no seasonings. Are allowed to eat small amounts of sweets – candy, marshmallows, jellies, jelly. Kefir fermented baked milk, it is not for smes to apply for the first 2 to 3 days after the beginning of a period of exacerbation. These days, it is possible to produce milk the mucous membranes or of the liquid porridge with milk. Then, add a day of low-fat yogurt, even a couple of days, fermented baked milk.

Impaled on the forks of the vegetables

Forbidden foods in a diet for acute gastritis in the phase of the

Diet for acute gastritis in the phase of the includes of the menu, especially the. The deterioration In a period of time, it was strictly forbidden to fresh fruits in vegetables, because this will cause irritation to the stomach.

No, you can't drink carbonated drinks, strong tea. Prohibited, coffee, chocolate, cocoa. Caffeinated products constrict the blood to be found, which causes the spasm, is honored with the onset of to increase and aches and pains.

The symptoms of gastritis at the beginning of the treatment over time has passed, however, is that the diet needed for a long time, it is the gastric mucosa regenerate in the restored their functions.

Diet during exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity

The power of the between an acute gastritis with high acidity should be approximately the same as in the time of the peptic ulcer exacerbation of the disease. This type is called gastritis hyperacidity. The essence of the disease is the excessive production of hydrochloric acid. The mucosal inflammatory you begin the process of the formation of injuries similar to burns, the appearance of the small wound.

The patient believes, Therefore, must include the food ban does not affect the lining of the that cause the stomach to produce more secretions. The diet of the patient should prevail:

  • fish stew in a steaming fish is low in fat, sort;
  • porridge on the water (even boiled);
  • jelly;
  • omelettes for a couple.

If you want vegetables, go out and then be able to be in a diet included, but only in the form of a puree. The perfect mashed potatoes. It is an excellent, nutritious, does not irritate the patient's stomach.

Diet during exacerbation of gastritis with low acidity

The menu for gastritis with low acidity, in the period of time it is a bit of deterioration is different. The goal Here is to force the stomach to produce more secretions. When hypoacid gastritis, the patient has a deficiency of B vitamins (in particular, the B₁₂), a C-SECTION. His poor stomach is protected from "invading" pathogens because of the small number of gastric juice. In atrophic gastritis the acid can be reduced to almost zero.

The slightly stimulating the stomach, you can also add in a diet of salted fish. To minimize the effects of a slow metabolism, you will need to be removed from the diet:

  • the fresh bread;
  • beans;
  • mushrooms;
  • pancakes;
  • the fat of the meat.

The task of the physician to the patient, to avoid the fermentation, in a process to help the stomach to make a more efficient operation. The food has to be broken, warm. Up to every hour of the 3.5.

Diet for acute gastritis with combined pathology of the

Chronic gastritis often occurs together with other diseases, such as chronic pancreatitis, diseases of the gall bladder. Diet during exacerbation of the gastritis should be tailored to the requirements of the menus in the treatment of the combined condition.

Pumpkin soup

The menu is that of acute gastritis, in gastric ulcer

So, diet for acute gastritis, in gastric ulcer is the fractional power in small portions. The menu can include such dishes, an angle, or broccoli to pumpkin soup, the soup – either in the form of soup.

You can prepare milk, noodles. Rice milk, semolina, buckwheat porridge is allowed as well. With acute gastritis do not have to use porridges quick to prepare. If there is a need for a fast pass into snacking in a baby food. Yes – no fault in That, such as faster Express porridge.

The diet of the patient with chronic gastritis, should be the fruit, the vegetables, but during the exacerbation, so that it can only be from the spirit, in stewed, in small amounts.

The food needs to be provided to the patient, hunger does not feel like the case will be initiated, to overcome the "hungry" pain, the inflammatory process is delayed.

The strength of the during exacerbation of gastritis in pancreatitis

Diet during exacerbation of gastritis in pancreatitis it is a bit different. In this case, the amount of calories, as soon as the reduction of the seizure, when the patient can feed himself, is reduced to 1500 a day. Gradually, the disease, such as lost, the calorie content increases.

The patient was allowed a diet of cooked rice good for a low-broth soup-fat, a little bit at a later stage – grated cheese.

Iz, the liquid – a weak tea, more and more, green lake, compote of dried fruit, jelly.

Gastritis Diet for acute cholecystitis in the stage of the

Cholecystitis is disturbed when the flow of bile, the treatment should be aimed at minimizing those types of foods, the healing that they need a lot of by the. Diet during exacerbation of gastritis, which is based on the table of the principles of # 5. Your gallbladder inflamed, so it is best that the diet of the species, which is called "table 5". In contrast, from table 5B are recommended for pancreatitis — the food can take a little bit less, because it does not require a full sanding and puree the state.

The menu is an acute gastritis with high acidity for a week

Planning my menu for each day, and you have to take into account the diet, with acute gastritis with high acidity, we need to remember that the diet is a unity, as they are a lot of forbidden, and therefore they need to learn the ways of cooking the same meals but in different ways.

The menu for the week around the following.

The day of the week     The meal
  1 2 3 4 5
1 Weak tea with croutons Scrambled eggs Pumpkin soup Baked Apples Yogurt
2 A glass of warm milk Buckwheat porridge Pork loin sprinkled with parmesan cheese Yogurt The oatmeal
3 Tea with a slice of dry bread The lord of the The soup any time Baked Apples The fish stew
4 Chicory with milk and a few croutons The oatmeal Scrambled eggs The lord of the Jelly with crackers
5 Oatmeal, tea, Baked pears Steam the meat balls The tea, with the marshmallow souffle Yogurt
6 The fluids of All that mess The mashed potatoes Cabbage rolls Tea and jam The lord of the
7 Low-fat yogurt Corn meal porridge Milk, noodles The fish for a couple Steamed vegetables

Diet during exacerbation of gastritis with low acidity: the menu for the week

A proper diet during exacerbation of chronic gastritis with low acidity well as the pureed vegetable of the mucous membranes of the stock. But to me for a week or so, there is an acute gastritis, it is more diverse than in the case of hyperacid gastritis.

The day of the week     The meal
  1 2 3 4 5
1 A boiled egg, tea The lord of the Chicken soup


Baked pears Kefir or fermented baked milk -
2 A weak tea and a bit of the dry bread and jam Rice porridge Pork loin sprinkled with parmesan cheese The mashed potatoes

salted fish

The oatmeal
3 Tea with a slice of dry bread The lord of the The soup any time Baked Apples The fish stew
4 Chicory with milk and a few croutons The oatmeal Scrambled eggs The lord of the Jelly with crackers
5 Oatmeal, tea, Baked pears Steam the meat balls The tea, with the marshmallow souffle Yogurt
6 The fluids of All that mess The mashed potatoes Cabbage rolls Tea and jam The lord of the
7 Low-fat yogurt Corn meal porridge Milk, noodles The fish for a couple Steamed vegetables

The gradually subsiding exacerbation, diet extract. However, you need to always be aware, however, that you limit the salt in the seasoning. The offer, If it is not enough for the additional meals (in small portions, but more frequently).

The recipes for the diet in chronic gastritis

Diet for patients with gastritis during the exacerbation, so that the food to facilitate the digestion of the fully understand.

In the menu of the patient can include milk, noodles.

The recipe for breast of noodles

The recipe is very simple: you need to boil in a saucepan with a little milk, diluted with water so that the water was less than a half of them). Then, to add to the small into the cook pasta on a low heat for 10 minutes. The salt is added to a bit of. Leave it to stand for.

Rice porridge

The recipe for the rice porridge with raisins

Porridge with raisins – a dish that can be eaten for Breakfast, in the afternoon.

The moral would be poured over the rice with cold water, milk, cook as long as long as it does not fall apart. Then throw in the corn, a few raisins in and wait for it to be a little bit softened. Porridge is served hot.

The recipe for the scrambled eggs

On 2 of the eggs, break them into a Bowl where you will add tablespoons of the milk in a water supply. Mix well, until smooth. Pour into a heated skillet, cover with a lid.

A recipe for chicken soup

Cooked, it Must be the other soup, with one chicken leg, be sure to remove the foam, add the chopped carrots to the potatoes. Onions can be added, as it will cause irritation to the stomach.

The importance of proper diet during acute gastritis it is difficult to overestimate. The diet should consist of diet dishes steamed without spices, the salt, the sugar, the least of all. A proper diet is the key, not the speed of the recovery. You may even lose a bit of weight, if the weight of the.

If you are caught gastritis, you will not be in strah. Yes, it is frustrating, but for an acute mastering phase. You just need to have patience follow the doctor's instruction, in compliance with the diet. Then the gastritis of long ones.